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  • CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
  • CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
  • CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
  • CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
  • CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
  • CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼


history and culture

CH Precision 誕生

瑞士 CH Precision于2009年創立是一家年輕的公司。


D1是一部全功能的SACD/CD唱盤機芯選用Esoteric的VRDS VMK-5-NEO轉盤機械配合多種金屬一體化框架機械結構設計,能徹底卸震。

A1 立體聲后級


C1 參考級升頻解碼器


L1 參考級立體聲前級


M1 立體聲后級


T1 10MHz參考級時鐘

推出全新T1 Clock超級時鐘系統可與旗艦數碼系統搭配使用。

“Each and every CH Precision circuit is designed

with a single goal — to touch the signal as little as possible.”

“Each and every CH Precision circuit is designed with a single goal — to touch the signal as little as possible.r.”

- CH Precision “每個CH Precision電路的設計目標都是統一的,即盡可能少地觸摸信號.”- :瑞士 CH Precision

When I started CH Precision 10 years ago, it was with the goal of not just creating the highest

performance audio circuitry, but leveraging it with the flexibility of powerful, software-driven

control systems and modular design, construction and application. Now, 10 years on| can

proudly say that CH Precision is widely recognised as setting new standards in all three of

those areas, frmly established as one of the benchmark brands in high - end audio.

When I started CH Precision 10 years ago, it was with the goal of not just creating the highest performance audio circuitry, but leveraging it with the flexibility of powerful, software-driven control systems and modular design, construction and application. Now, 10 years on | can proudly say that CH Precision is widely recognised as setting new standards in all three of those areas, frmly established as one of the benchmark brands in high - end audio.

Florian Cossy - CEO, CH Precision


design technologies
  • CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
    01 高級時鐘和SYNC-IO板


    CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
    CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
  • 02 D/A轉換增強


    CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
  • CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
    03 放大器偏置


    CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼
  • 04 放大器反饋

    CH Precision已開發出一種精密電路和軟件控制,可讓用戶調整功率放大器內的反饋特性。

    CH Precision,瑞士 CH,瑞士 CH Precision代理,CH Precision A1后級,CH Precision A1.5后級,CH Precision M1.1后級,CH Precision P1唱放,CH Precision C1.1 D1.1 轉盤解碼

瑞士 CH Precision 系列

CH Precision Series


Equipment Evaluation